Center for Friends of the Bible

Oak Glen Convention Center

One God, One Lord, One Spirit

Ephesians 4:4,5,6

Friends of the Bible Studies

Document Archives

Seventh Day Trove

A collection of documents and resource articles on the history of the Bible Sabbath.

Bible Prophecy 

Compendium of Prophecies fulfilled and yet to be fulfilled.

History foretold in Scripture.

Review & Herald
Signs of the Times

Browse and Search through the two primary Journals of the early Advent era.

Historical Letters

Facimile and photocopies of orignal letters from the early Advent era.

Writings & Musings

Lessons from Goodwill

As I walked into Goodwill recently, I was unaware of the lessons that God would teach me from the experience. I knew my obvious reason for being there, namely finding some winter…

Look Up!

Seasons are changing. Winter is moving in. We will be shifting from our early morning walking to mid-afternoon jaunts when the sun is shining, and the air is warmer! But for the…

Where have all the people gone?

Alexandra Hullquist As of late I've begun to wonder where all the people have gone at  Sabbath school,  weekly prayer meetings,  Friday evening vespers, even church services. Is…


Facts: The T-word cannot be found in Scripture. The T-word was never mentioned by Ellen White…except once. “...beware of that which the old writers called the world’s trinity—the…


"I have determined to know nothing among you, save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified." 1Cor 2:2 Last year I read a book about the Heavenly Trio. Oh, I have always known about the…


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